InGeek CulturebyArslan AhmadGrokking the Top 5 Most Difficult Coding Interview Questions for Google, Facebook, Amazon…Master the Most Challenging Coding Interview Questions from Top Tech Companies and Boost Your Problem-Solving Skills.Apr 23, 2023207Apr 23, 2023207
InGeek CulturebyArslan AhmadMicrosoft Software Engineer Interview Handbook (2025)A look at the interview process for a software engineer position at Microsoft.Apr 3, 20233341Apr 3, 20233341
Phil from 4 day weekTesla Hiring Process: Interview Process Questions & Insider Tips (2022)Aug 4, 202256Aug 4, 202256
Amit MaityMy Journey to Becoming Knight at LeetCode in 8 Months during my 3rd SemesterHi, my name is Amit Maity, and I am currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, now in my 4th semester. As a…May 5, 20231.8K30May 5, 20231.8K30
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CODE UNRAVELEDInstead of LeetCode, follow the Coding Patterns.What if you don’t want to spend hours practising coding questions before the interview?Feb 22, 2023121Feb 22, 2023121
Jeffrey YuHow I Prepared Coding Interviews and Got Amazon OfferThis summer I’m going to Amazon as an SDE intern. Despite the huge layoff waves, I’m super lucky to land an offer at a FAANG company.Jan 24, 20232543Jan 24, 20232543
Akash KumarThe Boring Company Interview Experience (2022)I was just randomly applying through the company career page, then ended up getting an OA from this company.Jan 2, 2023681Jan 2, 2023681
OpenGigMicrosoft SDE 1 Interview ExperienceThe article discusses my interview experience with Microsoft, followed by a few interview tips.Feb 3, 2023152Feb 3, 2023152
Rashmikiran PanditRoadmap to get into your dream company as a software engineer!The most asked question that I face is “How did you crack Google and how can I do it too?” Having been through the journey from aspiring to…Jan 21, 20232864Jan 21, 20232864
Nathan ChicheJava DSA RoadMap: Best Free Resource & Leetcode pathwayIn this post, I will explain the steps to follow in order to learn and master DSA.Dec 26, 2022205Dec 26, 2022205
InLevel Up CodingbyArslan AhmadBecome a Coding Interview Pro in 2025 with These 20 Must-Know Algorithmic Patterns!Master coding interviews: How grokking coding interview patterns can help you prepare smartly.Jan 9, 20237875Jan 9, 20237875
CareerflowGoogle Software Engineer Interview GuideGoogle is one of the popular FAANG companies where most job seekers aspire to work at. Desirable for its unique work culture and enviable…Mar 29, 2022122Mar 29, 2022122
CareerflowAmazon Behavioral Interview Questions GuideLanding job offers at FAANG and other top tech companies can be the best thing for a job seeker. However, to achieve that goal, you need to…Apr 12, 202270Apr 12, 202270
CareerflowAmazon Software Engineer Interview GuideBreaking into FAANG companies for tech roles is all about preparation and practice. From getting a resume review for landing an interview…Jun 17, 202281Jun 17, 202281
Shivam VermaMicrosoft Interview Experience 2023Questions asked to me by Microsoft in this year’s hiring.Nov 13, 20224373Nov 13, 20224373
Ganesh PrasadSix Maths Based Coding Interview Problems | SDE Sheet 🔥This sheet contains six problems based on mathematics that have been asked in many companies; practicing these will make you comfortable…Aug 24, 20228Aug 24, 20228
Little Pearl5 Awesome Websites for Software DevelopersWant to learn coding? But which entry-level resources are the most effective?Oct 2, 20221772Oct 2, 20221772